Mitglieder - Teil 1
Who is active at Campus For Future? Get to know us, what's important for us and what we want to achieve!
Quack... said the eagle owl or something like that. The goal should be for everyone to enjoy the world. No matter if they make cuckoo, kiekeriki or manamana. Here at CFF, I try to chirp along with that. Let's support the RWtH in its sustainability through our chirping. Save the earth because there are ducks here! Chatter chatter chatter!
- Lotti, the climate and peace duck, is our mascot and accompanies us at all our undertakings
Theresa Janning
Hello, I'm Theresa, 22, and I'm studying environmental engineering in my bachelor's degree. I am currently involved in the AStA as head of the department for sustainability and student engagement. There, I advocate for green electricity, more sustainability in the canteens, and a greener campus, for example. It is important to me that students help shape the sustainable transformation of RWTH. We need rapid changes and can achieve them together. Let's go!
Johannes Parschau
Hey! I'm Johannes, I'm studying biology for my bachelor's degree and I'm 22 years old. Keeping bees at the university apiary is one of my hobbies. Unfortunately bees have problems with extreme temperatures, droughts and messed up climates just like humans. RWTH is the size of a small town, so it has great potential with climate-friendly actions. For example, I am advocating with CFF that RWTH switch to 100% green power and 0% natural gas combustion. Photovoltaic systems are much nicer anyway in my opinion.
Marc Haberland
Hey there! I'm Marc, 21, and I'm studying environmental engineering. We live in a time with power plants that don't smoke anymore, and we should appreciate and use that. Since the beginning of my studies at the RWTH, I have been campaigning for a climate-neutral university and will not rest until the 1.1t CO2 per student and the tens of millions of € in follow-up costs for the whole world are no longer emitted. We can still manage the energy revolution, so let's go!
Lea Szukalla
Hi :) I'm Lea, 23 years old and I'm studying environmental engineering in my bachelor's degree. In my pathfinder hippie idea of human responsibility it is not enough to just see the problem, but to try to leave the place better than you found it. With CFF I would like to make a positive contribution to student life and especially to the climate. Good path ;)
Antonia (Tonja) Leue
Hi, ich bin Tonja, 21 und studiere Informatik im Bachelor!
Das rheinische Braunkohlerevier ist die größte CO2-Quelle Europas und damit liegt eine große Verantwortung hier in der Region, deren Handeln globale Konsequenzen hat. Die RWTH hat das Potenzial und trägt die Verantwortung, aktiv die Entwicklung der Region zu gestalten. Es kann nicht sein, dass eine technische Universität – die eindeutig über die nötigen Expert*innenskills verfügt – in 2022 immer noch Graustrom bezieht, Erdgas selbst verbrennt und Fernwärme aus den naheliegenden Kohlekraftwerken bezieht!
Das ist nur einer von vielen nachhaltigkeitsbezogenen Punkten, für die ich mich einsetzen möchte 🙂
Noëmi Preisler
Hi, I'm Noëmi, 24, I'm studying architecture for my Master's degree and have been involved in university politics in the StuPa and AStA since the last elections. I work for equality, sustainable building maintenance and renovation, as well as the anchoring of sustainability topics in teaching.
Did you know that the building sector accounts for a large part of infrastructural CO2 emissions? With the large existing building stock and the expansions planned for the coming years, the RWTH has a particularly large responsibility here - not only in terms of climate-friendly construction, but also in terms of socially sustainable urban design. It is particularly important to include the perspectives of students and citizens in the planning. A university that is built without us is not built for us!
Annette Adams
My name is Annette and I‘m 26 years old. I‘m currently studying the master „theology and global development“ with the focus on sustainability. Because my favorite animals are penguins and because it would really suck if they died out, I engage myself at CFF. It‘s my aim to bring sustainability more into the discourse at the RWTH, among others also with all the many great initiatives that we have in Aachen. Due to my professional background especially social aspects of sustainability matter a lot to me.